Meet My Constant Motivation

One thing that I love about Portland is that it is a city of action. People are constantly walking, biking, hiking, running, getting involved, and making positive things happen for themselves and for others. Among the movers and shakers is my friend, Kelly Constant, owner and founder of My Constant Motivation. I met Kelly almost 10 years ago, in France, while we were both studying abroad. After returning to our respective colleges in the States, we lost touch until, a little over two years ago, we discovered that we had both moved away from our Southern roots to reestablish ourselves in Portland, Oregon. What an awesome coincidence!

Upon reconnecting, I found out that Kelly was pursuing her career in health and fitness and, as a part of her goal to teach people about living a healthy and balanced lifestyle, she had started her own business teaching an outdoor boot camp class for women called My Constant Motivation. The intent of establishing My Constant Motivation was to create an environment outside of the gym where women could come together to exercise as a group and support one another. The mission statement of My Constant Motivation is “to help individuals build healthier bodies, minds, and spirits so that healthier communities evolve”.

This summer, I spent a lovely morning photographing one of Kelly’s 45-minute boot camp sessions. Afterward, I was inspired to try out a one-month session. I went from someone who normally started my day at 11 am to someone who started my day at 5:45 am on the beautiful Portland waterfront, exercising with other women. It was such a fun and inspiring experience that gave me the time and energy to get through my busy summer wedding season. Subsequently, I’ve done 3 other boot camp sessions and have made it a part of my health and fitness routine. What I love most is that each workout is different, you get to see Portland before most of the city is awake, and all while in a supportive group environment. It’s been a great lifestyle change for me personally and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to begin a fitness routine or to anyone who wishes to change up a fitness routine that has become old and tired. Women of all ages and fitness abilities are welcome. You can even try a week of class before you commit. To find out more information about Kelly’s boot camp classes, please visit her website:

I hope to see you there!

constantmotivation-blog-01constantmotivation-blog-02The only spectators at this hour are a gaggle of Canadian geese:)constantmotivation-blog-03The lovely, spirited, and inspriring Kelly Constant, owner, founder, and instructor of My Constant Motivation Bootcamp.constantmotivation-blog-04Warming up…constantmotivation-blog-05The beautiful backdrop to your workout:) In the winter, the bridge lights twinkle and reflect in the water. It’s gorgeous! constantmotivation-blog-06A bit of cardio…constantmotivation-blog-07A bit of resistance training…constantmotivation-blog-08constantmotivation-blog-09constantmotivation-blog-10You set your own goals and your own pace. constantmotivation-blog-11constantmotivation-blog-12constantmotivation-blog-14Time to cool down…constantmotivation-blog-15constantmotivation-blog-16The end of an awesome workout.

2 Responses to “Meet My Constant Motivation”

  1. Kim Haley says:

    These photos are awesome! What a great group of women!

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