Best of Wedding Photography

I’m very excited to announce that I was recently selected to be a member a new international wedding photography organization, the Best of Wedding Photography. This organization was founded by some of the most talented, well-respected photographers in the wedding industry, many of whom I’ve admired for a long time, including Anna Kuperberg, Ben Chrisman and many more. The Best of Wedding Photography “employs a unique system of peer-review to ensure that membership standards remain uncommonly high. We look for photographers who are leaders in the field – both in terms of the quality and style of imagery they produce and their level of success and recognition by brides, fellow photographers, and others in the wedding industry.”

It’s truly an honor to be listed among such amazing group photographers who are not only skilled and professional, but who care deeply about their clients and their craft. If you have a moment, please check out the BOWP site for more information.

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